Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stone Soup

       Today I partook in the activity of STONE SOUP. My group wandered out side to a grassy corner and laid down a variety of supplies we had brought from home. Some people brought true-blue art materials while others had scavenged for recycled materials. We were asked to do a quick brainstorm of ideas on what to build and when it came time for sharing I was surprised to find that everyone had the same basic idea; to use the box as a base to build and create something out of. What about this object so obviously compelled us? Was it the fact that it was bigger than all other materials? Or was it its cube-like form? This got me thinking if another group of entirely different people would also come up with this idea of using the box as a starting point. Is the eye drawn to the idea of starting a design with a base? For me, it was exactly that. 
       While others suggested creating concrete objects like a flower covered box or a car, my initial idea was just to randomly decorate the box in a haphazard way, incorporating all the different mediums into one lump of design. What I quickly learned was that the minds of my group held a firm majority in creating a concrete object, in this case a car turned party bus. I loved to see how each mind created a unique piece of the bus all in their own opinion and image. My vision of how the windows should have been executed was far from how they ended up being designed. I was pleasantly awed by how my group-mate used our materials to create windows. They did so in a way that I feel far trumped my idea. This project really proved the beauty of pooling ideas and the success that accompanies group think. 

photos taken on my personal iPhone

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