Monday, October 4, 2010

and So it Began... a first notice of design

The magicube...a unique cube covered in six outside graphics and two larger internal ones. Initially discovered as a young child in my old Victorian home, my magicube was decorated with paintings of the past. Reminiscent of the works of Michelangelo, the cube was adorned with chubby cherubs, picking the liar, while hovering over minstrels. Equipped with the mind of a five year old, I saw the art covering my intricate, every folding cube, as extremely detailed and complex. Little did I know, the art casing my knick-knack was from a time far back in history, centuries before I would even begin living.
Created out of eight smaller cubes, my little hands became consumed with the perpetual refolding and flip-flopping of the cube. With each fold a new portrait would amass. I remember becoming so intrigued with all the possibilities of pictorial combination. I would spend lengths of time refolding the small cube, analyzing each combination of images until I discerned by favorite. Although my favorite stayed the same, the cube’s circular folding design convinced my hands and mind to continue “play”.
The crisp edges and smooth sides would glide across my fingers while the blocks would make the distinct “click-clack” as I folded the pieces against one another. The sound reminded of another child-hood toy of mine, the notorious shaking, clapping hands. As time went on the thin pieces of paper creating the creases and joints between the blocks wore and eventually tore, leaving my magicube less fascinating and lacking its original enjoyment.
I do not know where my cube disappeared to, most likely thrown out in the trash due to destruction. Rarely do I see things similar to it in stores but when I do I am unequivocally drawn to the tiny creations. I pick them up and begin that ever-redundant folding process, examining all the images and choosing my favorite. This toy has been designed to mindlessly intrigue its viewer. Because of its early impact on my mind, I will forever search for and enjoy said objects!


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