Monday, October 4, 2010

Form v. Function_ in regard to some magnificent shoes and clothing

     I recently stumbled upon the intriguing shoe designs of Kobi Levi. In particular, his pair of “rocking chair” shoes, caught my interest in two ways. While the cleverness of creating a shoe to resemble that of a rocking chair presented itself as something entirely new and innovative I quickly said to myself, “HOW THE HECK WOULD I WALK IN THOSE?”. Now, with closer examination I have deduced it simply will not work. But then why would someone create such a shoe if it cannot be walked in? This sparked the question in my mind of form vs. function especially in regard to not only woman’s shoes, but also female clothing in general.
     Ladies, how often do you buy a shirt that just doesn’t hide your bra in any way, let alone cover your skin to keep you warm, just because it is so DANG cute? I’ll admit I do this way to often. The look of the article of clothing, majority of the time, trumps a desired function. Yet another example I can think of is my purchase of a pair of van sneakers in a size to small. I could not wait to order these shoes in a size that fit and have now worn them so much my toes have poked holes through the front. Was I considering the function and need to protect my cold toes and keep them dry on a rainy day? NO! The look of the shoe, the design, captivated me. It won me over, like it so often does, and convinced me that I needed them on my feet regardless of what discomfort they might attack me with. Conscious of my appearance, I am controlled by design’s grip. Form prevails while my body suffers from the lack of function in my apparel.

Cred...For the rocking chair shoe design and more of Kobe Levi's work click here:

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