Monday, November 29, 2010


     The pizza cutter. Designed to make pizza slicing fast and easy, this kitchen utensil has DANGER written all over it. What makes such a useful tool so dangerous? With its large, sharp cutting surface, it's user puts his or her fingers in the line of fire. Get your hands, arms, fingers, knuckles, to close and you could find yourself with a deep gash in the blink of an eye. The joint with which the blade is attached allows the sharp blade to move freely and continuously. Also, due to the use of smooth metal, the blade meets no traction at its joint and can spin freely and quickly. Because of this, the cutter can easily slip or glide out of control, leaving its user with a wound. In regard to the specific cutter pictured above, the smooth, sanded handle provides no grip and can easily become slippery when covered in ingredients or the standard pizza grease. When too slick to get a good hold of, the cutter has a higher chance of failing at its job, cutting you rather than your pizza. 
     Although you risk loosing a finger when using the cutter, the object was not designed to be such a danger. On paper, this design is genius; no more hacking away at your pizza with a knife, just simply roll the cutter right on through to quickly and evenly divide up your pie. 

     Not until the injuries began "rolling in" did the design of these cutters change. Today one can find new cutters on the market that offer greater safety. For example, the inclusion of a gel-like handle offers greater grip and thus increased control of the blade. Also, some companies have redesigned their tools with guards against accidental injuries. The inclusion of plastic guards and placement of the handle over the plastic, incased blade leaves your hand free from injury even if it happens to slip out of your greasy hand. 


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