Monday, November 1, 2010

Interaction of Content and Form in Objectified

      In the documentary "Objectified", the film forces its viewer to take a closer look at the forms of everyday objects and reconsider why they are formed that way. The film immediately does this by posing these questions while cycling through a series of tightly cropped frames. In doing so, one looks at the object close up, both physically and in their mind, and thus sees it in a new light. I consider this as a highly effective method of combining the form of the objects with the content in which the film is addressing.   The marriage between content and form becomes increasingly more evident as the film progresses. To further the initial questions the film asks, they then show objects being made. For example, they look at the formation of an Apple desktop computer. The viewer is shown a piece of metal next to the basic frame shape of the computer. It is then explained how the piece of metal is transformed into the skeleton of the machine. This only sparks the mind further by inspiring thoughts of the process from basic material to amazing technology. The film provides such examples to keep their viewer's mind moving around the film's basic content of looking closer at objects.   Diving deeper towards unearthing the process of creating, the film also introduces an array of esteemed designers. This provides the viewer with a face with which to connect the design of a specific object to. One does not look at a lamp and wonder who designed it, but rather, with the intent to have it provide light. The film helps it's viewers look past what the naked eye assumes by giving them visual proof that REAL PEOPLE spend a lot of time creating things we take for granted.     
  "Objectified", by taking a closer look at objects, both in the literal sense, and by looking at the background information, successfully uses form to better convey the film's content. The tight crops off the objects and the description and insight into the creator's and how their things are created, lend way to a new mindset on objects that could leave the mind ruminating for days.


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